
The best results are achieved through cooperation.

About us

Our story began many years ago when we set out to provide our customers with the best quality services and products. Since then, our aim has been to offer our customers the highest level of satisfaction.


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- Eine Auswahl der besten Weine und besonderen Cocktails,
- Leckere Dips, erlesene Antipasti, Oliven, und viele weitere leckere Delikatessen, Häppchen, Mischung aus persischer, Griechische, türkischer, arabischer, mediterraner Mezze, …
Nov 11


Mezze, Tapas Finger-food & more
Mischung aus persischer, Griechische, türkischer, arabischer, mediterraner Mezze (Delikatessen) UND besondere Getränke


Core Tradex Co.
Alstergrugchaussee 577b, 22335 Hamburg


We are a company specializing in selling high quality products and services.